This fun-packed kit serves as an introduction to Squiggle Squad resources and instructional approach to letter formation. It is bundled with the core materials teachers need to help students develop motor skills and knowledge needed for writing by hand. Whatever their classrooms look like—whether students are racing ahead or finding learning challenging—the Squiggle Squad is ready to come alongside teachers with engaging resources that address each student where they’re at. (Includes one teacher’s set of booklets. Complete sets for students sold separately.)
The Teacher Core Kit contains the basic Squiggle Squad resources teachers need to help kids develop motor skills and form letters and numbers. The 5 stroke booklets, each focusing on a different critter and their stroke, help students develop motor control, directionality, and automaticity. Then the critters come together to play, forming letters and numbers. This incremental, developmentally appropriate instruction builds the foundation for writing fluency. This kit includes a Teacher QuickStart Guide, the five strokes display cards, one full set of the student booklets for easy reference, and stickers to motivate and reward new writers.
NOTE: If your school is new to Squiggle Squad, consider ordering the Comprehensive Classroom Kit to receive ALL the resources, including access to the Teachers’ Lounge, helpful to teaching letter and number formation.