Everything you need to effectively teach letter and number formation
Squiggle Squad helps students develop motor control, starting with gross motor skill activities then progressing to finer motor control movements—full body, to arms, to fingers.
Teacher Resources: We provide you with various materials including our Quickstart guide and a stroke “cheat sheet” to help guide you through program implementation.
We break the English manuscript alphabet into five basic strokes so students can develop the dexterity, coordination and strength needed to write. With the help of their Squiggle Squad friends, students practice the strokes in isolation to develop automaticity needed to from letters efficiently.
Teacher Resources: We provide the Teachers’ Lounge—a place to find instructional videos and downloadable practice sheets—to support you as you help your littles learn these new concepts!
Once students learn the five strokes—having practiced motor control and directionality—their Squiggle Squad friends come together and “play” to form letters and numbers! This developmentally appropriate approach is both fun and effective!
Teaching Resources: Find instructional videos on letter formation in the Teachers’ Lounge! We also provide online workshops if you are wanting to dive deeper!
Squiggles & Wiggles
Handwriting Readiness- Large motor control activities
- Finger trace practice
- Stroke practice for directionality
Squiggle Squad
Letter and Number Formation- Stroke practice for directionality
- Letter and number formation
- Second semester review
Next Level Learning
Reinforcing and Correcting- Letter formation practice for automaticity
- Directionality practice
- Transition into smaller, practical writing